To date, I have a pile of assignments that need to be done and as much as I hated it, the due dates are just around the corner which makes me feel restless each and every day. The assignment vary from individual to group task. Individual assignment would be fine because all I have to do is do my research and just proceed with the involved processes - at my own pace. As oppose to group works, not only I have to the research but also I have to catch up with the counterparts' pace and be prepared to be complaisant. Definitely, everyone's outcomes must be parallel to each other in order to produce the final products of good quality. The stress is overpowering and I hope I can cope with it.
"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive." - Lee Lacocca.
duh.. time is moving into the middle phase of this sem. lots of assessment will meet us along the way to the finishing line.