At the moment of typing this out, all I desperately wanted to have is an air-condition to be installed in my current sauna-like room. Yes. It is so hot in here and I can even feel the warm heat of my room as soon as I stepped into it. Geez, now I'm longing for the comfort of my air-conditioned room in KK.
Taken from Google Images.
How nice it is if I could indulge myself with a nice cold ice-cream or ABC. Even a glass of ice-cold water also would be good enough!
Taken from Google Images.
Taken from Google Images.
This afternoon I tried to take my nap (as usual) but the heat hindered me from doing so. I kept on waking up and I sweat like I just had a very bad nightmare.
I reckon this current dry spell is likely to persist for at least few more week. It's El-Nino peeps! Let's hope for bliss from a downpour SOON.