Usually I will leave the school at around 6.40 p.m.; after the routine assembly. However, yesterday, I had to stay a bit longer at the school because I was instructed to assist the discipline teacher to conduct a spot-check.
Prior to that, one of the teachers in the school lost his mobile phone or to be exact, the phone was stolen. A student was named as the main suspect and was called to the staff room. As expected, the student refused to admit the offense and I can see tears glistening in his eyes.
Let's just skip the Sherlock Holmes' part of the story. Basically, it's pointless to pinpoint several students to be the suspect. They will deny the accusation anyway. The thing is, why would you leave your valuable thing left unattended on the table in the staff room? Staff room is basically just like other rooms. Nothing special. So, never expect this thing will never happen in room full with teachers. Besides, the room is accessible to both students and even salesperson!
Bottom line is: Don't leave any of your valuable things behind unattended! It's common sense.
did the student got caught with the handphone? hmm...ka itu sigu kasi nama2 jak mna2 murid yg disyaki curi tu telepon? ksian gia tu klu kdapatan, lagi sandi'....tuk kui...