The lecture just ended and here I am updating my blog. Here are some of the pictures taken during a visit to my grandmother's house in Tambunan. The photos were taken using my DSLR camera...a beginner indeed.
[J74671.Book] PDF Download The Department of Sensitive Crimes: A Detective
Varg Novel
[J73749.Book] PDF Download The Department of Sensitive Crimes: A Detective
Varg Novel
[image: Ebook The Department of Sensitive Crimes: A Detective Varg...
5 years ago
Think YOU have the best blog?
Well, here is your chance to prove it!
15 people will submit their blogs and judges will judge the blogs on....
- colors (not boring colors)
- templates/layouts
- content (interesting posts?)
No 'adult content' allowed on submitted blog
MUST be submitted by 12 noon Jan. 30th 2009
MUST email by the date given above (invites to chat are welcomed)
LAST RULE: Post to every blog you find or group, this must get 'out' - people need to know about this!